The Gods of Eden

The Gods of Eden

Who Were The Gods of Eden


Austin Perris

And the Lord God said, Look, the man has become like one of us, knowing good from evil; and now, what if he puts forth his hand, and also takes from the tree of life, and lives forever?

           Genesis 3:22

 This verse has always puzzled me because it first refers to a group of gods, not a singular being! Second, the gods did not want humans to have access to the Tree of Life, which would allow them to live forever. Third, they did not want humans to know good from evil! So, as far as our creators are concerned, they did not want humans to be any different than the other creatures in Eden other than to take care of the land.

 Christians would say the "Us" question refers to the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But, the Old Testament was compiled by the Jews who do not believe in the Trinity. 

 These beings feared humans would "…put forth his hand…" and take from the Tree of Life. They were so concerned that they stationed an angel with a flaming sword in front of it to prevent human access.  

 This race of beings from somewhere in the "heavens" was concerned that humans would become like them! We would become a force to be reckoned with, another faction of themselves who would question and possibly rebel against the status quo, which is pretty much where we have arrived today. 

They enjoy the “God” status humans have bestowed upon them and are not ready to give it up. Would you?

 They damned the individual or group that decided to give humans awareness, and they hid the Tree of Life to make sure humans did not get any more powerful than they are today. But the question is, is it not our divine right-our legacy to become more?

 In "The Gods of Eden," by William Bramley, the author says, "… human-like creatures of extraterrestrial origin had ruled early human society as earth's first monarchs." 

 When reading Bramley's book, we quickly discover he disagrees with the title "Gods" when referring to the visitors from space. He uses “gods” with a little “g.” They were physical beings with bodies, minds, and spirits who also believed in a supreme being responsible for all things in existence. 

 So, Bramley refers to them as the “Custodial Society,” an advanced civilization of beings who appear responsible for our planet and us from the beginning.  

 In his book, Bramley points out the possibility of two separate factions of the same society holding two separate positions in the human situation. One: humans were designed, created, and trained to serve their masters, The Custodial Society. 

 The second is that humans were made from the DNA of humanoid beings from space and possessed spirits that placed them above all other creatures on earth and allowed them the status of "divine," yet this fact was and still is being kept secret.

 According to Bramley, the reason for creating humans in the first place, as a "primitive worker," did not allow them to have total awareness or immortality; this was the position of the original creators of homo sapiens. But another faction of the Custodians, which Bramley identifies as "The Brotherhood of the Snake," disagreed. 

 They believed in human beings' spiritual aspect more than their physical existence and felt that humans should be allowed to achieve their highest level of existence. Actual divine status includes complete and total awareness and immortality. 


 The two were obviously at odds, and the original creators quickly "demonized" The Brotherhood of the Snake and ensured that no one would assist humans in their quest for complete spiritual awareness, which would lead to their realizing their true divine nature. 


 According to the Bible, the secret to achieving complete spiritual freedom lies in the Tree of Life, guarded by an angel with a burning sword that prevents human access.

 So we learn that the Custodial Society, which we can compare to today's rich, only wanted humans as workers, and 99% of the earth's population today are still workers. 

 They also wanted humans to remain spiritually ignorant, which 99% of the earth's population is still today, relying on competing religious groups for spiritual guidance that only serves the financial well-being of the organizations and does little to assist us in discovering our true spiritual power.

 William Bramley calls this denial of actual spiritual information spiritual slavery, which keeps human beings ignorant of their extraordinary power as true humans and in constant servitude to the ruling class.  

 Some believe that if humans discover the Tree of Life and reach out and take from it, they will realize their true spiritual nature and become all-knowing, divine like their creators.

 If this occurs, the custodial society will lose all control, spirituality will become the foundation of all existence, and all the perks, like wealth, power, control, and other forms of self-gratification, will be lost forever.


 The supreme secret of how to activate one's divinity is being kept from the masses by those who know. Those who possessed the knowledge in the first place have passed it down through the ages from father to son, family to family, and generation to generation. 

 The secret is the key to the one true reality and will never be freely given up without a fight. The secret is the Holy Grail. The secret is the method of practice that allows the human spirit to emerge from the depths of the chaotic false reality created by our captures. 

 The "Tree of Life" must be discovered, and the practices that activate our true potential must be made known. But what are they? And who are these people who keep us in spiritual slavery? And how far are they willing to go to keep the secret? 

For Video: “The Garden of Eden” click here 


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